Nightcrawler: A Video Essay on a Neo-Noir

I shared my essay with everyone via Dropbox :)


  1. DREW!
    I thought you did a really nice job with this video essay. I like how you started it off with the movie trailer because i was able to envision the movie. It was also smart how you used scenes from the movie as examples in parts of your essay. You touched a little bit on the psychology behind the protagonist's actions, including that he is a sociopath, and I think it would have been interesting if you would have dived a tad deeper into that discussion. I also thought the discussion of the Nina trying to live the American Dream was interesting and wish you would have elaborated a bit more on that. I thought you did a really great job with this and made a good case for us to watch Nightcrawler!

  2. Drew,
    Wow. Your video essay was amazing. I literally could not stop watching it. I loved how you incorporated clips from this movie while you were talking to prove your point, while also adding pictures from other noirs that we have seen to really drive your point home. I have never seen Nightcrawler, but after this I am more than interested in watching it. Like Mallory said, I also wished you talked a bit more about how Lou is a sociopath because you seemed to have breezed by it instead of giving evidence to prove your point. I thought talking about how Nina is a femme fatale was interesting, and I would have to see the movie to fully agree or disagree with you, but with the evidence you gave it seemed as if she could possibly be considered a femme fatale, I wasn't completely sold that she was. Other than that, I loved the uniqueness of this essay and was interested all the way through it. Well done!


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